業主買家租客佣金七折 業主再賺回贈 30% Discount for Landlords, Buyers and Tenants

Far removed from the hubbub of family rooms and busy kitchens, the bedroom is the place where your day begins and ends. Trends come and go, and even now the furnitures of bedroom is evolving.
x家居 / 智能家居xpertgroup

Experienced Full-Time Tutor. Chemistry and Biology Teacher Graduated from the United Kingdom.
A教學進修 / 補習Alice Chung

The Premier Personal Training and Golf Performance Studio in Hong Kong
M運動及健身 / 場地出租Maximus Studio Limited

The Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited is the holding company of a group which is engaged in the ownership, development and management of hotels, commercial properties and clubs and services. 
c商業 / 顧問citymacau

BOO, creates inspiring office and multifunctional spaces that provide an environment within which to work, to connect and to collaborate – a union of commerce, community and culture.

會計 報稅 Freelance accounting bookeeping taxation 64658271 劉小姐

完美豪宅維港境緻,依山望海,美景醉人,少有港島市區租盆,步行10分鐘都港鐵站,也有巴士出中環,交通方便,附近生活配套完善,屋苑有出租車位,新装冷氣,設施齊全。Great view and good location .

Large Tutorial rooms in North Point and Fortress Hill for rent, prime location $60-$150/hour
C商業 / 生意頂讓Chris Hui

大時大節,總要同朋友一齊玩餐飽。King's Karaoke and Party Room為您打造一個隱於市區的派對場地,適合舉辦主題派對、預約攝影、朋友聚會、節日慶祝、私人宴會等,體驗難忘派對時刻。我們位於鄰近香港會議展覽中心的王子酒店24樓,對出便是一覽無遺的維多利亞港景色,客人可一邊慶祝,一邊欣賞維港景致。景色由黃昏至深夜,各具特色,黃昏可見夕陽暮色、晚上則可見東方之珠的璀燦夜景、大放異彩。
K消閒及娛樂 / 卡啦OKKing's Karaoke

The preferred business Language for executives and senior executives

IKia real estate company who offering selling and buying a property, our Real estate Consultant assist you to make right investment in right property, also offering tax advisors and legal Advisory.Re
A商業 / 顧問Ajay Varma

尖沙嘴瑜伽室/瑜伽導師,提供私人和班制瑜伽班。TST Boutique Yoga Studio/ Yoga teacher. Private and group yoga classes.
S運動及健身 / 瑜伽Samantha Yoga Limited

工作職責: 解答客戶對公司註冊, 公司秘書, 會計報稅, 商標專利等商務事宜; 透過各種渠道(面對面、電話、電郵或社交媒體)開拓新客戶; 與現有客戶建立及維護關係; 處理日常銷售事務,包括處理客戶查詢、報價、跟單等;
C商業 / 會計及稅務CPY Business Centre 澤昇商務中心

Male and female Healthy British short hair and Bengal Kittens. they are vaccinated, and are very healthy in their health.if you want to get one, contact my whatsapp 55738455

Provide different kind of design services include: Advertisements / Banners / Event Backdrops / Set Design / Graphic items / Storyboard / Digital Illustration and so on.
設計 / 平面設計Phazeone - Jova cheung

28萬, 穩定corporate and retail 客戶, 有長租約
物業地產 / 商舖租售中環洗衣
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