Kelvin Chan 畢業於加拿大學院 Selkirk College 音樂系, 曾跟隨已故爵士鼓手 the great Buddy Rich 的徒弟 Steven J. Parish 學習爵士樂, 被加拿大著名結他手 Darren Mahe 選為該樂隊之鼓手, 加拿大卑斯省冬季運動會開幕表演嘉賓
音樂 / 教學進修kelvinchan55

Our company was renamed as Fanasia Electronics Limited in 1992. Two years later, our second factory (named Fanasia Electronics Technology Limited) in Zhu Hai, China had been setup. We further invested

Under Armour’s mission is to make all athletes better through passion, design and the relentless pursuit of innovation.

Under Armour’s mission is to make all athletes better through passion, design and the relentless pursuit of innovation.

內容包括: 外籍老師一對一日常/商務英語會話、特定行業的presentation、會議英語訓練、商務書信、聆聽技巧和文法等,可因應學生進度調節,上課地點靈活。
G教學進修 / 語言課程Gowell Education

畢業於香港中文大學,副修音樂系;後攻讀音樂教育碩士,主力研究教育理論與學習認知心理學。畢業後繼承深造,師承郭婷、Franky Leung、Michael Yau。現與柏斯音樂集團、柏茵音樂有限公司等行內知名企業合作,並曾與Chockchockmo、鐵樹蘭等本地知名樂隊同台演出,音樂資歷紮實,確保教學內容豐富。

本計劃是以服務月費型式提供最穩定和優質的二手惠普彩色及黑白鐳射打印機, 以及影印機租用和樂聲傳真機,硬件維修及保養,而所有二手零件和打印耗材都不需繳付額外收費,通過真正簡單地月費模式從而享受全套的打印及支援服務。
手機電腦互聯網 / 打印機維修管理印天堂科技(國際)公司

本計劃是以服務月費型式提供最穩定和優質的二手惠普彩色及黑白鐳射打印機, 以及影印機租用和樂聲傳真機,硬件維修及保養,而所有二手零件和打印耗材都不需繳付額外收費,通過真正簡單地月費模式從而享受全套的打印及支援服務。
商業 / 辦公室傢俬及設備印天堂科技(國際)公司

we can also provide many modern shapes for different bottles.
商業 / 原料及製品Best Package Enterprise Co., Ltd.

G汽車及電單車 / 美容及清潔Galent Environmental Technology Limited

 Cityray founded in 1987, is an IT company which specialized in development of human resources management system. In the past twenty years, Cityray committed in developing and researching different se

Inspire CyberNET was founded in the Hong Kong in 2001 by a team of energetic individuals devoted to the challenges of conducting business on the Internet.

E商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Evergreen Environmental Technology Company Limited

Outsourcing has become a global phenomena brought about by the evolution of the world’s economy. Outsource with ANGLER for better projects at low price.

利用搜索引擎優化網頁(SEO),提高顯示位置,增加網上曝光率,綜合使用電子市場策略以增加回報率。融合電子及傳統兩種市場推廣方法,多方面提高曝光率。 我們製作/創作 iOS、Android、HTML 5 的手機網頁、應用程式、社交網絡程式。客戶關係管理及內容管理系統: 使用 CSS 及 HTML作編碼,開發購物籃、產品目錄管理。搜索引擎營銷及優化:由 Google驗證專人及搜索引擎市場專業人士管理。
O手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫OOB Group Limited

汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠億偉科技有限公司Easewin Technology Limited

The Alfa Romeo Centro Stile (Design Centre), the heart and historic core of the brand, was located in the Portello area of Milan from the early post-war years until July 1989, before being moved to i
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