We are an electronic components distributor and out-sourcing service provider. Since 1977, we have been principally in the components distribution and trading business for various segments of the ele
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫嘉靈電子有限公司

超筍介紹:嘉湖山莊,麗湖居10座8D,718呎 HK3800/mon exc mgt (mgt HK$714/mon) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ed6kzKRR_tQ http://98.to/simon67373000 專營灣仔、銅鑼灣、北角,專業物業租售代理,兼免費介紹物業估價,免費介紹銀行按揭、免費介紹律師樓做樓契服務。 Details: http:/

Fitness Centre The Fitness Centre is located in the Annexe building overlooking the carpark. It is fully equipped with cardio equipment ranging from Crosstrainers to treadmills, bikes and a rowing ma
運動及健身 / 會社、組織及團體香港木球會 Hong Kong Cricket Club
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