all the stylists at Hair Culture are strongly encouraged to make full use of their creativities.
H美容 / 髮型設計及護髮Hair Culture (CWB)

收費合理 PRE---G.2 60mins $120 G.3---G.5 60mins $160 G.6---G.8 60mins $200 ATCL,ABRSM 60mins $300/ 90mins $420 LTCL,LRSM 60mins $350/ 90mins $470 簡介 *主修鋼琴演奏及音樂教育 Bachelor of Piano Performan

Our objectives are:to promote and protect the interests of Hong Kong garment manufacturers and merchants ;to research into all matters affecting the interests of the trade;
F商業 / 會社、組織及團體Federation of Hong Kong Garment Manfacturers

K1-K3 , 免費試堂, 外國回流, 澳洲, Australia, 元朗屯門天水圍

資深導師 英國碩士(主修鋼琴教學)、澳洲音樂學士畢業(主修演奏/作曲) 多年教授經驗(香港,澳洲) dipabrsm ATCL LTCL LRSM

荃灣沙咀道57號荃運二期band房合租共享,10分鐘到地鐵站,每月每星期指定日子時間通宵使用,包器材及wifi,價錢由$1100-$1700,意合WhatsApp 65851591 。


十多年教琴經驗, 師承中大音樂系教授Aywen Wang ,有責任心,耐性,專門改善壞習慣,提供有效的練習方法, 考試比賽伴奏,樂理保證合格課程, 歡迎鋼琴試堂

The workshop also offers a full range of repair and service facilities from regular day to day maintenance, up to a range of fast road conversion.

we have wondered why the locals aren't all out sailing at every opportunity enjoying the second-to-none marine environment. Boat ownership seems to be just too big a hurdle in HK.

經濟學博士在讀, 可指導大學, 及工商管理碩士(MBA), 經濟, 統計, 數學及金融. 網上教學. 請WhatsApp聯絡及討論詳請. WhatsApp: 63656639 每小時: $250 HKD
教學進修 / 補習Alan Lee (李生)

Last few puppies remaining, pick of the litter still available. Pups weighing between 9.5 and 10 kilos these will be big breed, loving family pets. Colors are Blues and Reverse Brindle with blue or gr
a旅遊 / 旅遊優惠allanjohn465

日文私人補習 一對一/小組 日語聽解 會話 寫作技巧 能力試對策 Japanese Tutor

收費合理 PRE---G.2 60mins $120 G.3---G.5 60mins $160 G.6---G.8 60mins $200 ATCL,ABRSM 60mins $350/ 90mins $500 LTCL,LRSM 60mins $400/ 90mins $550 現職私人鋼琴導師 , 歷年來多位學員已獲文憑級 , 收生不斷...... 資深女鋼琴

簡介 *主修鋼琴演奏及音樂教育 Bachelor of Piano Performance Music Education *英國聖三一鋼琴演奏院士 Fellowship in Recital Solo Piano of Trinity College in London *皇家音樂學院鋼琴演奏 ABRSM Licentiate Piano of Royal School *皇家音樂學院八

延續活動宗旨【以鼓勵小朋友積極參與演出,讓他們知道自己的能力可以幫助其他有需要的小朋友 】,把愛傳遍每個角落,用音樂感染生命。 由音專藝術推廣協會一年一度慈善音樂活動~第七屆【小小慈善音樂家2017】現正接受報名,今年度的使命為緬甸孤兒出一分力,是次活動捐款將撥捐至「B.A.M.S. - Build A Music School」作興建音樂學校用途。 比賽項目包括鋼琴、小提琴、管樂及聲樂。 B.
音樂 / 節目及活動音專藝術推廣協會
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