歡迎預訂 自家繁殖,英國短毛貓 (忌廉色 及 黑金) 有獸醫針咭 環境清潔 優良血統 非常高質BB, 有厚毛,大頭,手腳粗壯 本人嘅承諾包括: 1. 送第一針 (附有香港註冊獸醫針咭) 2. 健康保證 10天 3. 性格活潑近人 4. 日後有飼養問題,隨時歡迎查詢 5. 歡迎上門見父母 有意請WHATSAPP聯絡 6443 4858

兩個可愛的英國短毛貓小貓現在準備好了 whatsapp number 6747-7224

服務式住宅, Short & long term. Please email your check-in date for room availability. Phone enquiry only available after 2pm.

We provide free WIFI internet broadband. Comparison to other serviced apartments, our room rate is reasonable and flexible monthly leases. Please feel free to contact us for reservation.

We specializes in ssd chemical solution and activation powder for cleaning black Dollars, euros, pounds and any other currency from any security color to it's original state.
s商業 / 商業優惠ssdsolutions

Females and Males Main Coon Kittens

We conduct all aspects of the sale from inspection, overseeing surveys, executing closing documents, Marine Department, registration, and recommending insurance companies

Learning Putonghua to meet needs for social,work and daily basis.

車位 出租$5500 中遠大廈 上環 皇后大道中183 號 Cosco Tower Parking Space for Rent Call:9868-5827 Ms Yau

We offer our Tin Hau office space to share with interested parties.
T物業地產 / 商務中心Taikun Space

We offer our Tin Hau office space to share with interested parties.
t物業地產 / 辦公室出租tinhauShareOffice

Freelance for CAD drawings (承接代客出家居/店舖/辦公司之室內設計CAD圖)

另外有大量灣仔銅鑼灣單位及套房出租/售, 歡迎查詢 92333926 Mark more apartments and studios for rent and sell in wanchai and causeway bay, please call if interested 92333926 Mark. Thank you.
C物業地產 / 住宅出租Chinese Property Agency

租影樓1800平方尺可供駛用, The service is designed to offer both comfort and practicality ensuring a successful shooting experience
攝影及影音 / 攝影Ganymede Photo Studio

2物業地產 / 地產代理公司218 338 Apartment

2物業地產 / 服務式住宅218 338 Apartment
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