1. 88DB
  2. 音樂
  3. 教學進修


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2024-02-06 刊登者: shunhangchan




畢業於倫敦國王學院 (King’s College London)主修作曲碩士, 以優異(distinction)成續畢業, 師從 Dr. Ed Nesbit (Sir George Benjamin的門生, George Benjamin 是亨利·普賽爾作曲教授, Henry Purcell Professor of Composition) Dr. Tom Hyde  (Sir Peter Maxwell Davies的學生, Peter Maxwell Davies 是前任英國王室預用作曲家, Master of the Queen's Music)。就讀間期作品有表演機會, 包括同ensemble Lontano, Pavilion Ensemble, 小提琴手 Caroline Balding Florence Cooke KCL Symphony Orchestra


我的樂曲會在Two Bridge Music Press發售 (暫時未有發售日期)


就讀皇家威爾斯音樂戲劇學院 (Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama) 小提琴學士, 以一級榮譽(First-Class Honours)成續畢業, 師從André Swanepoel, 愛爾蘭室內樂團(Irish Chamber Orchestra)第二小提琴首席, 以及師從 Nancy Johnson, 就讀茱莉亞學院The Juilliard School, Toby Appel的學生。亦曾參與多位著名⼩提琴家的⼤師班, 包括Rachel Podger (英國著名巴洛克式小提琴家) Itzhak Rashkovsky (皇家音樂學院 Royal College of Music 小提琴教授)。在皇家威爾斯音樂戲劇學院期間有很多表演機會,包括在卡迪夫演奏廳 St. David’s Hall, Weston Gallery Dora Stoutzker Hall, 同時也有在倫敦皇家亞伯特音樂廳 (Royal Albert Hall) 演出。


中、小學階段曾就讀香港演藝學院青少年⾳樂課程, 8歲時開始就讀, 直至中六, 其間師從 Alvin Chan, 前香港⼩交響樂團⼩提琴樂⼿,亦曾任教於浸會大學音樂系。




經過英國多年的專業訓練,我相信每位學⽣都有其潛⼒, 只是在於如何探索他們的潛質。每位學⽣都 有不同的需要和教學⽅式, 我會因材施教, 以滿⾜不同學⽣的需求。我認為最重要是可以滿⾜學⽣的 求知慾, 在愉快的學習環境中領會⾳樂的樂趣。我會重點培訓學⽣的基本功和姿勢, 保證學⽣有優良 傳統音樂教育, 不會養成拉奏小提琴的壞習慣,以達長遠優勢。


小提琴一小時: $700

作曲一小時: $800


email: [email protected]



I’m a composer who graduated from King’s College London with a Master of Music in composition, pass with distinction. During my time at King’s, I studied with Dr, Ed Nesbit, who studied with the preeminent Sir George Benjamin, Henry Purcell Professor of Composition. George was a child prodigy and he studied with Olivier Messiaen (one of the major composers of the 20th century) at the Conservatoire de Paris. I also had the privilege to study with Tom Hyde, a student of Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, the former Master of the Queen's Music from 2004 until his death. During my time at King’s, I received numerous opportunities to get my works performed by professional musicians and student ensembles alike. Including violinists Caroline Balding and Florence Cooke playing my work Dialogue for Due Violins (2022), ensemble Lontano playing A Fantasy for Violin, Viola, Cello, Flute and Clarinet (2022), Pavilion Ensemble performing Pretit Concerto for 11 instruments (2023) and KCL Symphony Orchestra playing Sequence for Orchestra (2022).


My music is currently published at the Two Bridge Music Press (still waiting for the release date).


I also graduated as a violinist from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama with a Bachelor of Music in Violin Performance and was awarded with First-Class Honours. During my time at RWCMD, I was fortunate enough to study with André Swanepoel, the Principal Second Violin of the Irish Chamber Orchestra, and Nancy Johnson, who graduated from The Juilliard School and studied under Toby Appel. I also have the opportunity to play in masterclasses under the tutelage of the famous baroque violinist Rachel Podger and Itzhak Rashkovsky, the Professor of violin at the Royal College of Music. When I was still in Cardiff, I received numerous opportunities to perform as a violinist, including at St. David’s Hall, Dora Stoutzker Hall and most notably Royal Albert Hall here in London with the London Welsh Male Voice Choir under the baton of Edward-Rhys Harry.


My teaching style will emphasise building up the facilities of each player and the importance of playing in the right posture. My philosophy on teaching is to stimulate each of my pupils and make sure they are interested in music both as an academic subject and the practical skill required to be a good musician. not just a violinist or composer but a musician. It's important to understand not just what’s on the page but the musical context and nuance behind each piece my students are learning.


Violin Lesson: $700 per hour

Composition Lesson $800 per hour

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性
星期一 13:00 - 21:00
星期二 13:00 - 21:00
星期三 13:00 - 21:00
星期四 13:00 - 21:00
星期五 13:00 - 21:00