In April 1967 the Chan family approached the Jesuits to ask if they would be interested in taking over the running of a secondary school to the building of which they intended contributing in memory

慈雲山聖文德天主教小學 Tsz Wan Shan St Bonaventure Catholic Primary School 辦學宗旨 : 本校為一天主教學校,貫徹方濟會辦學精神,致力營造一個愉快學習的環境,推動學生以謙誠的學習態度,達於智慧。 學 習 生 活 每週上學日數 : 5 天 每日一般上課節數 : 8 每節一般時間 : 40 分鐘 一般上學時間 : 8:10 一般放學時間 : 3:3

The Cheung Chuk Shan College Old Students' Association, hereafter "the Association", was organized by a group of enthusiastic graduates in collaboration with our Alma Mater - Cheung Chuk Sh

民生書院(九龍城區) MUNSANG COLLEGE School Mission: We adopt "Light and Life" and "All for One, One for All" as our school motto, and our commitment is to offer students a holistic educati

祂的恩典乃是一生之久。一宿雖然有哭泣,早晨便必歡呼。(詩30:5) For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5) The long-standing

余振強紀念第二中學(南區) YU CHUN KEUNG MEMORIAL COLLEGE NO 2 辦學宗旨: 秉承天主教學校辦學宗旨,在愛與關懷的環境中,我們重視每一位同學的價值 及獨特之處,致力培養學生成為具責任感、充滿自信、能欣賞自我成就的年青人。 學校健康生活 學校訂定健康校園政策,培養學生珍惜生命,訂定學習目標,確立健康的生活模式、營造 共融關愛的社群關係、推廣均衡的飲食習摜、提供豐富

博愛醫院鄧佩瓊紀念中學學校歷史 博愛醫院本著多年來服務社群的精神於一九八七年九月一日創辦第一所中學,並以新界望族鄧公佩瓊太平紳士命名,以表揚及紀念鄧氏生平對社會之貢獻。 HISTORY Based on the spirit of Pok Oi Hospital in providing services to the community at large, it established its

華仁書院 地址:油麻地窩打老道56號 電話:23841038 "We offer a holistic, liberating and transforming Catholic education within a learning community for students and staff to become progressively competent, committe

雅致花店 (Charming Florist) 位於旺角花墟園藝街5D地下,本店成立於1995年, 專營鮮花禮品零售及批發業務,是百份百香港小店。

Léselle 花店選用來自日本及厄瓜多爾的保鮮花為顧客打造多款時尚保鮮花擺設、保鮮花束、保鮮花盒及裝飾

香港真光書院(南區) HONG KONG TRUE LIGHT COLLEGE 辦學宗旨: 我們本著基督博愛的精神從事女子教育的工作,注重德智體群美靈的均衡教育,重視教 導學生真光傳統的創造建設、愛群服務、克己犧牲、力求完善的精神。 學校健康生活 學校重視學生的健康成長,參加衛生署"健康飲食在校園"運動;由飯盒供應商提供"健康餐"及 贈送水果;透過內聯網向

A New Era for Ying Wa in the Footsteps of Morrison When we celebrate the 200 th anniversary of the arrival of Rev Morrison in China in 2007, Ying Wa enters a New Era? An era which exemplifies the fou

提供香港(Hong Kong)本地送貨服務各式心意花束、致慶花籃、悼念花籃、送禮花果籃

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