1. 88DB
  2. 結婚
  3. 婚紗禮服

We sell, make and create collection for the wedding

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-10-31 刊登者: lace vintage collection wedding dress Bride gown

Tadpole Studio

Tadpole studio established in 2006 .

'Vintage' is our motto. We sell, make and create collection for the wedding. With vintage lace gowns, antique wedding dresses that will make the bride has unforgettable moments ever.


Hong Kong Footwear Design Competition, 2000
Green Power, Third place, 2000
Philippe Charriol Foundation (PCF), 2001
Hong Kong Visual Art Festival,
Bew Vision Exhibition Series, 2001
Hong Kong Footwear Design Competition, 2002
International Footwear Design Competition,2009
International Footwear Design Competition,2011

We will sell two products :
Lace vintage collection wedding gown
and unique clothing designs

We provide full service package for the wedding day. From servicing Bespoke designs Wedding gowns, Evening dresses , Head pieces to make-up and hair. All you can find at Tadpole studio. Hong Kong

Our entire vintage lace wedding gown collection shown in unique styles and reminiscent of old century . They are all irresistible and delicate styles. Customers can either buy or rent it. We also provide alteration service.

Besides ,we provides custom-made service for wedding gowns ,head pieces and accessories for individual customers as well.

Be a gorgeous bride ever , Tadpole Studio can serve you through the entire way.

Email:[email protected]  

Address:20A/G li po lung path kennedy town hk97123463


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