1. 88DB
  2. 結婚
  3. 婚紗禮服

Viva Wedding 提供一系列婚禮服務~婚紗晚裝租售/新娘化妝髮型設計/婚禮攝影/影樓攝影等,新張期內惠顧外租禮服套餐更享折扣優惠 婚紗 | 晚裝 | wedding dress | 姊妹裙

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-07-15 刊登者: Viva-Wedding

婚紗 | 晚裝 | wedding dress | 姊妹裙 | 旗袍 新娘化妝 婚禮攝影 婚紗禮服 wedding 裙褂 婚紗 晚裝 wedding dress 姊妹裙 旗袍


Address: Flat E, 2/F, King Leong Building

130 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kwok 
地址:  旺角花園街130號 景亮大廈2樓E室 
Phone/電話:  23939113
Website/網頁: www.viva-wedding.hk
e-Mail/電郵:  [email protected]

Opening Hours:
營業時間:  Mon - Sat 12pm - 8pm
Sun by appointment

We love to be part of the most important moment in your new life. Allow us to provide our personalized services to help you get through the preparation, leave all your troubles with us, and enjoy your big day.

我們熱切期望可以於您踏入人生中最重要的時刻能參與其中, 就讓我們以最貼心的服務, 為您的大日子做好一切準備, 將所有煩惱交給我們, 盡情放心地去享受您們的重要時刻吧!
Gown Services 
We have a wide selection of gown for your big day. There are various packages that suit your needs.

我們為您提供多款不同設計的婚紗晚裝讓您細意挑選, 亦設計了多個不同的外租套餐滿足您們的需要. 
Makeup & Hair Styling
Our professional stylists are ready to serve you, and make sure you will catch all the attention and praises. We also have a wide selection of accessories to go with it.

我們專業的化妝及髮型設計師隨時準備為您服務, 務求讓您於婚禮當天成為全場焦點, 贏盡眾人艷羨的目光及讚賞. 我們亦會提供多款設計新穎的髮飾讓您配襯. 
Consultancy Services
You are anxious about your big event, and we well understand where your stress comes from. We are experienced in event planning. We can soothe the tension in you, and get you prepared for your big day.

我們很明白您們會為籌備婚禮而感到焦慮不安, 我們亦很了解當中壓力的所在. 憑著我們豐富的籌備活動經驗, 相信可以助您做好婚禮的一切準備, 舒緩緊張的心情, 讓您以最佳狀態迎接您們的大日子 
Wedding Administrator
We understand how busy you will be on your big day. You have all the right to enjoy the moment and not to worry a thing. We are here to help you to ensure everything is well organized and executed according to your plan.   

我們深深明白一對新人於婚禮當天會有多忙碌, 為著婚宴的瑣碎事會有多費神, 要放鬆心情好好享受這珍貴的一刻, 不要再為婚禮操心, 我們的婚禮秘書就正正幫到您, 她會協助您確保婚禮當天每一個細節都按照您的計劃安排妥當及順利進行, 令您稱心滿意!

Capture the moment 
Allow us to capture the glamourous side of you and share with you family and friends on your big day. We have a private photo studio, and we are more than happy to create

讓我們專業的攝影師為您捕捉最燦爛動人的一面與各親朋好友一同分享. 我們擁有一個私人攝影室, 非常樂意為您打造一輯完美的印記


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