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  3. 香港婚紗攝影

Signlove Korea PreWedding 提供韓國婚紗攝影,拍攝婚紗照,新娘攝影等服務

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-11-14 刊登者: Signlove 韓國海外婚紗攝影服務

Signlove Korea PreWedding

Signlove之所以成立, 主要是由創辨人在韓國拍攝完婚紗攝影後才開始, 當時"韓國風"還未受香港人追捧 (約07年間); 大多數人對韓國婚紗攝影文化仍然是比較陌生~在觀賞婚紗照片時,發覺在韓國所拍攝的婚紗照非常獨特,及具有螢幕男女主角味道… 跟已往香港婚紗照的感覺完全不一樣; 無論在拍攝風格及主題怖置上都耳目一新,充滿故事及劇集味道。當時發覺香港甚少婚紗攝影公司代辨韓國婚紗攝影。因此, 回到香港後, 成立了"SignLove" - 希望給香港首個平台, 開始了充滿著愛的服務; 為相愛的每一對, 作出 "愛的印証......." !!!!

Signlove Care平台: 由於SignLove一直得到客人的大力支持同愛戴,不少客人除了join我們去韓國影婚紗相外,亦對我們十分信任; 有些準新人甚至連大婚當日的各項事務, 都查詢我們;為了照顧到各準新人的需求,所以SignLove開設了Signlove Care的新Page!使大家有各種services的需要作參考; 例如:婚禮釀酒工作坊、大婚當日拍攝及攝錄、新娘新郎化妝, Live Band, Wedding Planner, Crazy Booth & 婚禮佈置服務....等等.

“SignLove ”- was established by a couple after their pre-wedding photoshooting trip in Korea in 2009. During the trip, they were surprised to find the unique styles and photoshooting techiques used are innovative and could be attractive to Hong Kong people (E.g. Movie Styling/ Technique/ Stage Decoration, etc….) Therefore, they have decided to step into this new market to introduce an alternative option to our lovely couples.

 “Signlove Care”- is a new service line providing various ideas or programs to the newlyweds. It's an one-stop-shop for them to have an easy yet memorable wedding ceremony. Our Performance Pledge: Be a platform to arrange memorable and flexible pre-wedding photoshooting trips to Korea for the newlyweds in HK and to provide more information and alternatives to the people who are interested in our services;   “We are Confident in our services as we have Experienced the same before everyone else does....”

地址 :
香港地址: 荔枝角11號長裕街定豐中心9/F 906 室. (請先行預約)
台北店地址: 台北市大安區忠孝東路4段2號8樓之7. (請先行預約)
電話 :
HK: +852 5973 7889
TW: +886 0970-117-693
HK:  [email protected]
TW:  [email protected]
Web: http://www.signlove.com.hk/page/contact-us.html

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