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  3. 香港婚紗攝影

Owen Wong Photography

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-07-05 刊登者: Mr. Wong

Owen Wong Photography

In my opinion, wedding photography encompasses the love and promise made between the couple.  Every time, while I am capturing photos for the couple, I hope to expose their inner worlds through my lenses, to tell them that fate brings them together, but the most important thing is that they will cherish each other! I dream that each time when the couple review their photos I took for them, they would be happy, and would understand that they can face and solve all problems together and enjoy their good lives.  The two rings in my logo represent my sincere blessings to the couple.   I have been on this mission for over fifteen years, yet my passion grows stronger each passing year.

Member of WPPI    (Good Standing of Wedding & Portrait Photographer International -Certificate No. W36191)

Studio address: Room G, 17/F, Tower 2, Marina Habitat, Aberdeen, HK

website: www.owenphoto.org

email: [email protected]

Tel: 2552 0737, 9475 8173

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