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NEW! NEW! NEW! Brand New “Chianti” Now Selling!

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2007-08-29 刊登者: Century 21 Newcourt Realty
Brand New “Chianti” Now Selling!
There are five buildings comprising 530 units. Size range from approximately 633sq.ft. to 2400sq.ft. Features include one to four bedrooms, all with balcony and specialty units namely “Spa Residence”, “The Panorama”, “Verandah Duplex” and “Garden Suite”. WHY WISH AND WAIT?  CALL AND SEE!

愉景灣第13期發展項目--“尚堤” 「尚堤」 由 5 幢高座樓宇組成,共提供 530 個單位,面積由約 633 平方呎至 2400 平方呎,間格有 1 房到 4 房,並特設露台,另提供各款特色及複式單位,歡迎致電查詢。 
Typical Units  
663' - 800'One Bedroom1 房
990' - 1023'Two Bedrooms2 房
1153' - 1355'Three Bedrooms3 房
1496' - 1500'Four Bedrooms4 房
Specialty Units 特色單位
2095' - 2100'4 bedroom residence “The Panorama” (Only 11 units) with nearly 22' long balcony overlooking the best Disneyland view 全城 11 屏幕煙花 巨宅 22 呎特長海景露台,環抱迪士尼維港無際景致
1915' -2038'3 bedroom duplex “Spa Residence” (Only 10 units) with private spa in garden on the lower & upper floor全城10 “天際花園浴室巨宅” 三房複式
2056' -2083'3 bedroom “Verandah Duplex” (only 5 units) with 115’ large Verandah全城5 “特大陽台複式巨宅” 獨享達115平方呎大型陽台
1163' -1355'3 bedroom “Garden Suite” with 48’ balcony (Only 27 units)全城27 “花園海角” 三房特色單位 特設廣達48平方呎偌大露台

Other Units 其他單位平面圖   Map 地圖    Dummy 模型

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