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羊毛氈 or 布藝 寵物/結婚/畢業/卡通公仔訂做

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-04-24 刊登者: 菠蘿雞


<PoLawChiKan Workshop> based in Tsuen Wan since 2008. And the workshop is managed by two girls KINKI and FION.
The handmade fabrics and wool felt dolls are our main business. We are major in complete the order from advertising or film companies of the specific device. And the orders of a limited amount of fabric and wool felt dolls are also wellcome. 
In recent years , we also promote the production of one-stop wedding supplies services for different customers to create unique wedding anniversary doll or gift actively.
And we recommended different handmade courses to the schools and organizations. We hope that everyone have an opportunity to understand the handcraft more. 

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Email: [email protected]

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