1. 88DB
  2. 寵物
  3. 寵物優惠


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-07-06 刊登者: 寶利寵物用品有限公司

         我們致力繼續在海外採購更優質的寵物產品,將之歸納到我們自家的品牌以及透過我們以往建立的良好網絡關係來分銷這些品牌到各大零售商,獸醫診所,不同類型的動物協會,超級市場和寵物用品專門店。 本公司繼續努力為我們信譽良好的廠家帶來更高質素的寵物產品和互相協助雙方以達致最佳的業務成果。

          We are an importer and distributor of quality pet food and products in Hong Kong, China, Macau and Taiwan since 2007. Our brand categories focus on pet food, pet supplements, pet treats, pet skin care, pet shampoo, pet dental care and pet toys.

         We continue to source quality products overseas to add to our family of brands and distribute these brands via our established network of retailers, vet clinics, animal associations, supermarkets and specialty shops. Our company strives to bring quality products from reputable manufacturers to retails and assist both parties for the best possible business outcomes.

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