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Pet Oasis - A Five-Star Hotel for your Pets

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2007-04-30 刊登者: Pet Oasis寵物綠洲

Pet Oasis A Five-Star Hotel for your Pets

Every Room
room are built in estate-level , Every floor have air-conditioner, keeping the temperture in 18-25 degree. Can't compare to those pet farm at all.

Every window are covered with net, to prevent incest like mosquito to bit the pet, decrease the chance to getting sickness..

Largest 800 square feet pool

newest filter and disinfect, best hydropathy system that vet highly recommanded.

( hydropathy: increase muscule, better blood flows, increase confidence,keep healthy)
Style room and President suite
elimate loneliness, dog just like living at home, blow away anixous.
Every Boarding dog have not less than 1 hour outdoor activites, private labor brushing and simple cleaning. If dogs live 7 days, we will give a bathing services for free. Our club are Acana (import from Canada) as pet food.
Training Area
We can organize training courses for dogs.
Feel free to contact us for detailed information.

Contact Information 

Tel: (852) 2456 1966

Fax: (852) 2456 2296

Email: [email protected]

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