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  2. 寵物
  3. 寵物食品及用品


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-12-21 刊登者: I pet.hk


我們設計及制造之精美寵物兩用屋, 可以讓你方便擄帶寵物外出, 你亦可安放在家中作為你愛寵的小房屋.

每間屋都是獨立依照你愛寵度身設計訂做 (*100%香港人手製造*, 除金屬配件外).

此外此設計可以讓你的愛寵在兩用屋內清晰看到風景, 亦可給你愛寵一個安隱而舒適的環境, 不用再在狗袋內搖搖擺擺啦!

售價由HK$880.00起, 詳情請致電查詢.

Want to give your pet a nice and comfortable House ??

Now ever your pet is inside the case, it can still look to outside when they are going out shopping with you.

Our company did design a new style “Travel House” for your pet.

Why this "HOUSE" is so specail??
Actually this Travel House will be fit to your pet size, therefore when your pet inside the case, it don't have to shake around and it can make them feel more comfortable.

Our “Travel House” is 100% hand make in HONG KONG and we will following your pet size to design and make it. Therefore your pet will be comfort inside the case, and it is not only for you to bring them out. It also can be there own house to put in your home.

Price: From $880.00 (More information, please contact with us.)

旅行箱布外套       "Travel House” cloth cover"         HK$200.00

海棉布座墊         Cotton Cloth Cushion                    HK$50.00

鋁質手拉車             Auminum Wheelbarrow                HK$100.00

燙金Logo名牌        Gold Stamping Logo                     HK$100.00

電話:2522 4083
傳真:2868 4029
網址: http://www.ipet.hk/index.html
地址:flat b.21/f.,hop lung fty.bldg., 1 mong lung street shaukeivan,hongkong

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性