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Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals- Grooming Service

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-11-21 刊登者: Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Grooming Service

Pet Grooming Services for members and non-members

Members enjoy 10% discount !

We offer a full range of grooming services from "Full Professional Grooming" and "Special Clipping" to flea baths or just a simple nail clip in our Wanchai and Kowloon Centres.

Grooming is necessary to keep your pet healthy and happy. At the SPCA, our groomers (under the supervison of our veterinary services) are available to pamper your pet with extras such as a gentle shampooing, nail clipping, a trim between the paw pads, ear cleaning, brush or coat clipping and scissoring.

Grooming services are available at both Wanchai and Kowloon Centres. The Society also holds regular seminars on pet health subjects for pet owners.

For bookings & enquiries regarding our grooming services for your dog or cat, please call 2232 5532.
(a message service is available out of hours)

All profits generated from our services go to helping needy animals.

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