5. Urns 骨灰盅Their ashes will be kept in the nicely urns with photos (provided by owners). You can either take them home or keep in our columbarium.火化後,我們會將骨灰放在骨灰盅內。主人們可選擇將骨灰帶回府上或擺放於本園設有的靈位上。如有任何查詢,歡迎與我們聯絡。你亦可於「浩園信箱」中留言查詢。地址: Address:香港新界粉嶺坪輋禾徑山路地段 2號 DD37 DD37 Lot 2, Wo Keng Shan Road, Ping Che, Fanling, NT, Hong Kong 電話 Tel:(852) 2674 1200傳真 Fax:(852) 2674 1211電郵 Email:[email protected]網址 Website:http://www.peacefulpet.com.hk
5. Urns 骨灰盅
Their ashes will be kept in the nicely urns with photos (provided by owners).
You can either take them home or keep in our columbarium.
DD37 Lot 2, Wo Keng Shan Road, Ping Che, Fanling, NT, Hong Kong