4. Chapel 悼念室We provide a huge, comfortable chapel in memory of your beloved pets before cremation.我們提供一個寬敞的悼念室給主人們憑弔離世的寵兒。如有任何查詢,歡迎與我們聯絡。你亦可於「浩園信箱」中留言查詢。地址: Address:香港新界粉嶺坪輋禾徑山路地段 2號 DD37 DD37 Lot 2, Wo Keng Shan Road, Ping Che, Fanling, NT, Hong Kong 電話 Tel:(852) 2674 1200傳真 Fax:(852) 2674 1211電郵 Email:[email protected]網址 Website:http://www.peacefulpet.com.hk
4. Chapel 悼念室
We provide a huge, comfortable chapel in memory of your beloved pets before cremation.
DD37 Lot 2, Wo Keng Shan Road, Ping Che, Fanling, NT, Hong Kong