What is No-Kill ?
"No Kill" is the concept of companion animal control in which methods are used to PREVENT an unwanted surplus of animals forming, rather than killing the unwanted animals. It is also called "Zero Surplus" and "No More Homeless Pets".
The term "No Kill" is in some ways misleading. Euthanasia will still be provided for animals for whom there is no other solution to their distress.
Join our Discussion Group
We look forward to working together with you to make Hong Kong a No Kill City. You are welcome to join our forum by registration at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nokillcity
If we can show that "No Kill" works in Hong Kong, the system will be copied throughout Asia. This is a great prize!
Why do we need No-Kill?
Hong Kong's main method of dog and cat population control is simply killing the surplus (at about 2,000 animals a month). This cruel and inhumane policy has been used for decades and is plainly ineffective. Many have been working very hard at helping homeless animals, but no matter how much is done, however hard we try, and however valuable our work is to individual lives, little more than a small dent is made in the problem.
What we need is the Government’s help to reduce the numbers entering the market by restricting importing, breeding and selling
Advantages of No Kill
The advantages of a "No Kill" policy are clear: the endless round of killings will be stopped; tax payers' money will not be spent on rounding up and killing thousands of animals every month; there will be no homeless suffering animals in the streets causing annoyance and upset to humans and to themselves
The task of HKNKCF
Our task is to persuade the Hong Kong Government to control Importing, Breeding and Selling of companion animals so that there will be No Surplus of animals needing to be killed just because they do not have a home. The measures include:
1.Tightening the controls on both legal and illegal importing.
2.Introducing a Breeder's Licence and Differential Licensing Fees.
3.Implementing and enforcing more onerous Pet Shop regulations. The Microchip system needs to be improved so that all animals can be traced back to their mothers, not just back to the pet shop.
4.Advocating RPO education.
5.Subsidising desexing.
6.Legalising TNR of feral dogs.
7.Controlling of construction site dogs
Our Achievement
Over the last two years we have successfully gained the support of the Legislative Councillors and all major political parties.
Teams from the No Kill City Forum representing all major animal welfare charities have visited all the political parties with Legco seats. The campaigners explained the horrific scale of the killing, laid out ways the surplus of cats and dogs could be cut and asked the law makers for support. None of the politicians expressed opposition; on the contrary they were unanimous in their support.
Here in brief are the main points made by the law makers in the meetings with our No Kill City teams:
"The whole DAB supports your proposals. And you can quote us. Tell the Government that you will get the blessings of the rest of the Legco members."
"We are very keen to help with animal welfare. In general we support your proposals". Frontier members expressed concern about a rabies outbreak in Hong Kong because of illegal breeding and importing of dogs.
"We agree with your objectives and most of your proposals."