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Lovely Chinchilla Kittens For Adoption, Whatsapp number 67477224

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2018-04-02 刊登者: Chang

你好,我有两只可爱的栗鼠小猫收养。 男性和女性。 他们现在已经3个月大了,并准备迎接他们的新家。 他们已经注射并且对孩子们很友善。 请通过whatsapp号码直接联系我们:67477224. 

Hello, i have two lovely chinchilla kittens for adoption. both males and females. they are 3 months old now and ready to meet their new home. They have taking their injections and are friendly to kids. contact us directly at whatsapp number : 67477224

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