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塔羅占卜 tarot reading

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-11-07 刊登者: cathytarot

HI, 大家好,   本人是塔羅師,  提供電話/電郵占卜服務, 以及個人會面占卜服務, (個人會面占卜通常相約於cafe), 如有查詢請電郵致: [email protected]. 收費價目/方式如下:

     1. 電話/電郵占卜: 每題HK$ 50,  電話回覆約10 至15 分鐘, 電郵以錄音回覆. 銀行入數後3至4天內回覆
     2. 個人會面占卜: 每題HK$ 90, 就一個問題內可問有關問題3 題, 之後再問問題每題hk$20, 時間不限.

Hi,everyone,  I am a tarot reader, providing phone/email tarot reading service, as well as face to face tarot reading (probably we will meet at a cafe.) Any inquiries, please email me at cathytarot@yahoo.com.   Fees and payment method are as follows:

    1. telephone/email reading:  HK$50/question. for phone reply, it lasts about 10 to 15 mins. for email, i will send u a sound file.    Once the fees are transferred to the bank a/c, i will reply to u within 3 to 4 days.

2. face to face reading: HK$ 90/question, u can ask 3 more questions about the same question, further questions require HK$20 each. No time limits.

Hope my tarot skills can help u. take care. cathy

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