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Join World Vision to Save Children from the Devastation of HIV / AIDS

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2006-09-30 刊登者: 世界宣明會

Every 10 seconds, the HIV/AIDS pandemic takes away a life. Worse still, a child loses one or both parents to AIDS every 14 seconds.

In some of the most ravaged African countries, the young working generation is completely lost to HIV/AIDS, leaving behind the elders and orphans, and resulting in economic disaster to many communities. United Nations has warned that the epidemic is expanding rapidly worldwide and Asia will be the next hardest-hit area. If effective preventative measures are not taken, more and more countries will face social and economic collapse very soon.

In Kenya, one in seven people is infected with HIV, leaving 1.2 million orphans behind. Skala, an eight-year-old girl, will be added to this staggering number.

Seeing disease gradually erode the bodies of her mother and baby sister, Skala is helpless. She tries her best to look after them, but no one knows how much longer they can survive. Although Skala is at the top of her class, she may have to drop out of school once her mother is gone. Skala's future looks bleak!

Join World Vision to Fight HIV/AIDS

Today, around 15 million children around the world have lost one or both parents to AIDS. By 2010, the number will have risen to 25 million. These orphans are left in utter desperation, but you can help bring them out of the shadow of death.



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