CAF WaterLife Monthly Donation Project
As a vital source of life, clean water is needed for all the daily consumption for all the animal orphans, feeding , cleaning and mass laundry usage. Our currently quarterly water fee amounts up to HKD2,500. Companion Animal Federation is entirely self-financed and funds are raised through donation for the daily operation and we look forward to your helping hand.
You are welcome to call us at 2146 4383 during office hours for more details.
Companion Animal Federation Ltd. Is a registered charity of
HKSAR, HKD$100 or above is tax-deductible
此計劃為一每月水費捐助計劃,因為本會每日需要為場內近六十隻被遺 棄狗隻提供清潔食水、用作煮食用途以及為他們清潔居所。故每季水費高達$2500,故希望有心人士可
以捐助本會水費。本計劃分為四個季度:第一季、第二季、第三季以及第四季。可以選擇其中一某一個季度捐助。詳細內容可以致電本會熱線:2146 4383,與本會職員聯絡。
動物伴我行會社為政府註冊之慈善團體 捐款每一百元可免稅