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Helping your teenaged children/ help to teens

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: G's Service
Self-growth, and self-enhancing courses are provided to help your loved teens to go through their stormy period of changing from a child into an adult (between 12 to 18), Not only poor children needs help but every great teen needs some kind of help in their personal growing, may you invite a professional to help your loved son/daughter? 

These are one to one / individual classes available to your loved teenage children: 
Venue: At your home (Tai Po ), other locations may not surely be considered - subject to counselor's decision. 
Cost: VERY VALUE FOR  MONEY!!!! $250 per class (2 hours) X 8 classes

When you find your loved son/daughter and or relatives at teenage needs to be more sociable and more likely to make friends, try this: 
1. Social Skills enhancement course

When you noticed  your loved teen is generally unhappy with himself/herself, do not feel comfortable among others i.e. strangers, relatives and schoolmates, try this: 
2. Self-confidence/self-esteem building and strengthening course

When you find your teen is in lack of motivation to live, to work, or even to play and associate with others; and lost directions and drives, try this: 
3. Life/Career goal setting course 

When you find your teen depressed, always angry or worries very easily or too frequently, or can not control emotions, try this:   
4. EQ/ Emotion Management course

When you notice your teen is undergoing other personal problems, try this: 
5. Problem/theme  focused course: such as family, romance relationships, traumatic experience (such as rape, sexual abuse), behavioral and emotional difficulties ...etc.

Terms and conditions: 
- all the rate quoted above is limited to the season until Feb, 08; and is limited to the accessible area in Tai Po, service in remote area in Tai Po and other nearby areas maybe considered subject to discussion and the counselor's discreation, but the rate will be considered to be higher.
- No guarantee in the result - it applies to all professional help in counseling
- For those are judged as more suitable to look for other professional help will be referred 
- Young adults (under 25)  is welcomed for personal counseling as well, details need to be discussed by phone. (reference counseling fee is $250 per two hours X 8 times as a full counseling course)  
- All the course should be finished within two months for ensuring the effectiveness of counseling, and homework, exercise may be required to enhance the improvement, corporation from parents and teens is very important for the successful change.
- The cost of each course is $2000 ( $250 X 8, weekly ), half of the cost that is $1000 should be made as deposit upon the first class, receipt will be given, and upon the forth class, the rest of the payment should be paid immediately.
- Only cash in HK dollars will be accepted.
- Upon any cancellation and delay of the class, no returned fund. The counselor has the right to change the time and date of the classes.  Living in areas in Tai Po, service may not be provided unless you provide free and comfortable transport. But the fee maybe adjusted accordingly.
- For those who have supporting documents to prove that the family is having financial problems currently, the cost may be lowered according to the only decision of the counselor.


You better call up to the counselor before you introduce the service to your loved teens, as in some situations,  your loved ones may feel uncomfortable and resistant for looking for outside help for their personal issues, and the counselor will suggest ways to work it out !!! such as the counselor will serve as a private tutor, English teacher, a career planner...whatever that is the best for your loved ones. CALL UP TO DISCUSS FIRST BEFORE YOU MAKE ANY MOVE!!!

Professional background of the counselor:
- 30s matured woman working as good model,trust-worthy figure to teens
- professional education obtained: postgraduate diploma in Psychology in HKU (Distinct) and other training in counseling, psychotherapy such as drama psychotherapy, fear healing and relaxation skills etc.
- 4 years of counseling experience for various kinds of cases (recent 4 years excluding experience as counselor when she was very young!!!)
- interested and focused in teenagers (from 12 to under 25)  training, counseling, English teaching,and multi-intelligence developement 
- committed Christian (For Christian Parents, you may incorporate bible teaching, religious guidance into the course, it maybe be effective help to your loved ones, and very much welcomed by the counselor)
- was a senior management personnel in a big corporation in HK before obtaining the second career as a counselor, experienced in social skill training, and potential development  

If you are hoping for a more healthy development for your teen, please call Ms. Au at 67511147, after 1:00 noon until 10:00 at night.   
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