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Love in Action

更新於: 2007-06-22 210 刊登者: Sha Tin Junior Chamber

It is my great honor to be the President of Sha Tin Junior Chamber, one of the most energetic Chapters of Junior Chamber International Hong Kong.

"Love in Action" is our slogan this year. Love is the basic and essential of everyone, we cannot live without it . We love and care the future of our community, our beloved Chapter and members.

Being a leadership development organization, we are committed to create positive changes for the community, our beloved Chapter and members. Through organizing meaningful projects, our members can enhance their leadership , presentation skills, public speaking techniques, time management skills, and protocol, etc. so that they can contribute to the betterment of the community.

With the success in 2005 and 2006, we shall continue to broadcast the message of “Environmental Protection” to the public by organizing our flagship community development project "LOVE OF THE EARTH" in 2007.
2007 marks the 20th Anniversary of our beloved Chapter. It is a remarkable year to summarize our past achievements and to extend our LOVE to the community. We sincerely invite all of you to celebrate this GREAT event with us.

With the great support from our committed members, I firmly believe that we can achieve our missions.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my warmest wishes to all of you a joyful and fruitful year of 2007.
