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Free e-Catalog Hosting

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-01-23 刊登者: Cataboz.com

Do you want to reduce the cost of creating and maintaining your catalogs?

Do you want to enhance your catalogs exposure and hence enrich business opportunities?

Do you want to keep your customers abreast of what’s new in your catalogs at ease?

Here is a FREE solution – Cataboz (www.cataboz.com)

To suppliers, Cataboz provides an additional channel for posting their catalogs and hence enhances business opportunities. Using the user-friendly interface, catalog suppliers can store, publish and update the catalog content at ease. It also helps to notify their customers for any catalogs update without lag time. What’s more, catalog suppliers can easily distribute their catalogs hosted in Cataboz to other sites, such as eBay and Yahoo! Auctions, by generating the corresponding required file formats.

To product seekers, Cataboz allows them to browse, search and even subscribe catalogs at their choice. Once the wanted catalogs are subscribed, a copy of the catalogs will be kept under their user account. Later on, product seekers can automatically get the most updated information on their subscribed catalogs. For there is any update or modification on the subscribed catalogs, product seekers will receive notification at once, for instance, through RSS subscription.

Registration is easy, fast and completely free of charge. Sign up as Basic User to browse the catalog or as Catalog Supplier to upload your catalogs. Let’s explore the Cataboz further NOW

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