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更新於: 2012-04-06 刊登者: 香港葡萄酒教育中心


About Hong Kong Wine Academy

Established by three wine enthusiasts, Hong Kong Wine Academy is dedicated to wine education. Our mission is to promote the interest and enjoyment of wine drinking through the offering of high quality wine courses at reasonable price. All our courses are taught by qualified wine professionals who are also experienced in teaching wine courses. Being independent from wine trade, we will carefully select wines from different suppliers to ensure they are suitable for the course, and aim to provide a rewarding and enjoyable learning experience for the students.


嚴選課堂用的用酒,令學員有系統地學習到世界各地有代表性的葡萄酒 。

Wine and Spirit Education Trust WSET® Courses

Hong Kong Wine Academy is a Approved Programme Provider of the UK based Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET® ). The WSET® courses are popular worldwide and being offered in over 47 countries, and well recognized in Hong Kong by both people in the trade as well as consumers. All courses will be taught by qualified and experienced WSET® Educators. Unless specified, teaching of the courses will be in Cantonese supplemented, while course materials and exams will be in English.

WSET® Level 1 Award in Wines

此 基礎証書課程專為初學者 / 初飲者而設,提供直接的葡萄酒入門知識及經驗,深入淺出,生動有趣。課程亦適合相關餐飲及葡萄酒行業從業員,提升個人技能,令在職表現更顯自信。內容包含 介紹世界各地主要葡萄品種與其特性、品酒技巧與應用及葡萄酒佐餐慨念等趣味話題, 適合不同品味人士參加。(課程只適合年滿十八或以上人士參加)

WSET® Level 2 Award in Wines and Spirits

此 中級証書課程專為葡萄酒及餐飲從業員 / 葡萄酒愛好者而設, 課程提供世界各地葡萄酒知識, 進一步擴闊飲者知識和經驗. 全面性覆蓋各項酒類的製作及有關資料, 認識葡萄酒背後的風格特色及其品嚐方法, 助你打開社交話題, 拉闊生活圈子, 實為葡萄酒愛好者不二之選.

WSET® Level 3 Award in Wines and Spirits

此高級証書課程專為資深葡萄酒愛好者 / 餐飲業管理人員而設, 提供更深入而全面的葡萄酒及烈酒知識, 助你更能掌握世界各地的葡萄酒酒業運作. 此外, 本証書課程著重提高學員的品評技巧, 打開你的專業品酒之門.

Our Office Hours: 14:00 - 19:00
Address: Unit A, 12/F, 6 Knutsford Terrace, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Tel: 2723-0399
Fax: 2723-0797
Web: http://www.hkwineacademy.com
Email:[email protected]
