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100% Tutorial Accounting Financial Reporting Taxation Financial Management Accounting Audit

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2023-11-16 刊登者: Tutor Ricky

100% Tutorial Accounting Financial Reporting Taxation Financial Management Audit Management Accounting


WhatsApp: 5125 2772

Full-time tutors will teach students based on their learning ability with their learning progress and requirements. Use concise explanations and problem-solving methods to consolidate subject concepts and improve learning efficiency. Tutors understand the problems encountered by students and train and guide students to apply knowledge to solve problems. Tutors have solved many students' problems in subjects.

1. Tutors focus on improving students’ understanding of relevant subjects.

2. Tutors can help students avoid losing points for solving wrong questions in exams.

3. The tutor explains in detail the principles of the subject and common mistakes in the questions.

4. Tutoring can improve the accuracy of answering questions.

5. Tutors pay more attention to sharing techniques and analysis methods in the process of practicing related subjects.

6. Tutors use examples and simple methods to effectively help students clearly grasp subject concepts.

7. Tutors train students’ logical thinking.

8. Tutors can pay attention to the learning needs of each student.


Tuition Subjects:

•        Financial Accounting

•        Management Accounting

•        Financial Reporting

•        Financial Management

•        Audit and Assurance

•        Taxation


Financial Accounting

It is to develop knowledge and understanding of financial accounting and technical skills in the use of double-entry accounting including journals and ledger accounts in preparation of Statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and statement of financial position with accounting ratio analysis.



•        Journal

•        Ledger accounts

•        Trial balance

•        Income statement

•        Statement of financial position

•        Financial Statements for Sole proprietorship

•        Depreciation of Non-current Assets

•        The Bank Reconciliation Statement

•        Correction of Errors

•        Financial Statements for Partnership

•        Partnership Goodwill

•        Partnership Revaluation

•        Partnership Dissolution

•        Financial Statements for Limited Company

•        Incomplete Records

•        Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

•        Accounting ratio analysis



Management Accounting

Management accounting’ is mainly concerned with the detailed accounting procedures for accumulating and recording costs, and with ways of producing financial information for internal use. Tutor provides you with analyzing the concepts, functions and activities related to management accounting



Major costing systems:

•        Job order costing

•        Cost allocation issues with the allocation of indirect costs

•        Activity-based costing system


•        Budgeting

•        Cost estimation

•        Marginal Costing

•        Cost-volume-profit (CVP)


•        Variance analysis

•        Effectiveness and efficiency

•        Manufacturing businesses

•        Non-manufacturing businesses


Financial Reporting

Tutorial enables students to develop knowledge and understanding of financial reporting in accordance with Hong Kong Accounting Standards required for the test and exam.



•        Financial reporting framework

•        Consolidated financial statements

•        Statement of cash flows

•        Property, plant and equipment

•        Investment property

•        Accounting for government grants

•        Intangible assets and impairment of assets

•        Leases

•        Inventories

•        Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets

•        Revenue from contracts with customers

•        Income taxes

•        Borrowing costs

•        Earnings per share

•        Presentation of financial statements

•        Financial instruments


Financial Management

The tutorial enables you to relate principles and practice to the financing decisions of organization in business environment. It analyses the decisions companies make about financing their investments with cost of capital.



•        Investment appraisal

•        NPV

•        Payback period

•        Cost of capital

•        WACC

•        Internal rate of return

•        Business valuations

•        Mergers and acquisitions

•        Working capital management

•        Sources of finance

•        Dividend policy

•        CAPM

•        Stock valuation

•        Bond valuation

•        Portfolios

•        Options


Audit and Assurance

The nature of accounting is different from auditing, which is the process of determining whether financial information recorded properly reflects the economic transactions during the accounting period in which they occurred.



•        Code of ethics

•        Assurance engagements

•        Planning, materiality and risk assessment

•        Audit procedures

•        Audit evidence

•        Internal control

•        Tests of controls

•        Substantive procedures

•        Specific audit procedures

•        Overall audit review and finalization

•        Audit reporting



The tutorial assist students in understanding taxation principles.  It enhances students to tackle critical issues relating to taxation in a logical manner, resulting in getting good examination result.



•        Tax administration

•        Property tax

•        Salaries tax

•        Profits tax

•        Depreciation Allowance

•        Personal Assessment

•        Stamp duty



Tutor Profile

A professional tutor with fully qualified professional accountant holds a Master of Science's Degree in Accounting.  The tutor has been teaching in specialized finance and accounting areas for a number of years.  It is also established to provide accounting tutoring to those students at all levels and working adults who are keen to pursue accountancy knowledge so as to find ways to solve their current accounting problems.



•        Master of Science's Degree in Professional Accounting

•        Bachelor of Degree in Accountancy

Professional Qualifications:

•        Fellow of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

•        Fellow of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)



Telephone: (852) 5125 2772

WhatsApp: 5125 2772


Tutorial opening hours:

10am - 9pm from Monday to Friday

10am - 7pm from Saturday to Sunday

Closed on Public holidays



New Trend Centre, 704 Prince Edward Road East, Kowloon, Hong Kong.






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