1. 88DB
  2. 家居
  3. 保安防盜

全球多間著名消防產品生產商的香港獨家代理, 提供多元化產品以滿足不同地區客人的需要

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-10-31 刊登者: 亨利公司

亨利公司自八十年代開業至今, 已有廿多年歷史. 鑑於公司的不斷創新及引入多元化消防產品的精神, 現今已成為全香港獨一無二的消防產品供應商.

本公司是全球多間著名消防產品生產商的香港獨家代理, 提供多元化產品以滿足不同地區客人的需要.

本公司設有"水泵控制箱"部門. 為顧及到不同客人的需要或要求, 本公司可根據客人的指示度身訂造出客人所要求的控制箱. 本部門亦備有多名外勤技術人員, 以便客人在地盤遇到技術性問題時得到恊助及解決.

此外, 本公司亦設立"傳統式 / 地址式火警系統"部門. 部門內亦設有多名資深技術人員, 以恊助客人解決技術上或設計上所遇到的困難. 每個工程均有獨立技術人員跟進. 以求達到工程順利完成.
  Henry Engineering & Supplies is a Hong Kong Based Company and has been in the field of Fire Protection Systems for over twenty years.

We are distributors for manufacturers of fire fighting products worldwide, providing a wide range of fire products as shown in the following systems to meet the needs of our customers in Hong Kong, China & Macau.

From our "Pump Panel Control" Department, we provide "tailor-made" panel for different systems in accordance with our customers' need and offer services for Control Amendment, Testing Commissioning and Maintenance.

From our "Addressable / Conventional Panel" Department, we provide systems and services including designing, consulting and programming for our customers. We deploy technicians to station at site for T/C & F.S.D inspection in order to satisfy our customers' urgent needs.

Contact Us:

Henry Engineering & Supplies
Address: 3/F., Cheong Tai Commercial Building,
287-289 Reclamation Street,
Hong Kong.
Phone: (852)2332. 1309
Facsimile: (852)2385. 9241
E-mail: [email protected]
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性