1. 88DB
  2. 家居
  3. 園藝及戶外設備


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-02-16 刊登者: ginkgo

你居住/管理的物業, 屋苑, 別墅, 花園, 有沒有危險樹木?

Any Hazard Tree in the estate / house you are living or managing?

早年政府就因為疏忽管理樹木, 引起傷亡及一連串賠償

There are several fatal accident and compensatory case due to neglect of proper tree managerment 

你知道所有物業範圍內的樹木, 導致任何第三者責任的意外, 均由業主承擔嗎?

Do you know the property owner is responsible to the third party accident caused by trees within site boundary?

枝葉茂盛的樹木, 可以毫無徵兆突然倒下, 意外其實是可以避免的!!

Tree with green canopy may collapse without any signal in advance, but the accident is able to be prevent!!

騁用國際認可持牌樹藝師, 進行樹木風險評估, 可以及早作出專業評估, 防止人命財產損失

Hire Professional Certified Arbroist to perfrom Tree Risk Assessment and spot out potential hazard as precaution of property lost & accident

也可應付所有政府發出之樹木相關維修, 樹木投訴等問題

Also response to the Government order related to tree complaint and tree maintanence

健立一個人樹共處的環境, 定期檢查樹木, 減少意外發生

To establish a safety envirnoment for tree & people with regular tree inspection to less the tree related accident

提供專業建議, 現場報價, 收費公道

Provide professional advise, quotation and reasonal pricing, e-mail : [email protected], Tel 9696 4747

e-mail : [email protected], TEL 9696 4747 免費專業咨詢及報價

服務範圍 : 樹木風險評估, 樹木修剪/移除/賠償, 綠化設計

Nature of business : Tree Risk Assessment, Tree Pruning, Tree Removal, Tree Compensatory, Greenery Design

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性