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Kwong Lam Garden can help you to build

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: Kwong Lam Gdn Ltd
  Landscaping and Turf Contractor

Wanting for a beautiful garden view?
Kwong Lam Garden can help you to build
a perfect garden.
We have our own nursery in china. We
also have well skilled service teams
and sufficient light and heavy machineries
that prepared to create your own soft
landscape scenery.

Address: (Opp Ho Ka Yuen) Near kau Lung Hang, Side Fanling, N.T., H.K.
Other Address: Mailing Address: Tai Po Post Office No. 329
Contact: Tony Lo / Sita Ho
Title: Director / Manager
Phone No.: (852) 2675 4813
Fax No.: (852) 2675 4155
Homepage: www.yp.com.hk/kwonglamgdn
Product / Services: Professional horticulture designing and production project.
Plant wholesale, retailing & leasing are also available.
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性