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In those dreams your kids can be anything they want from race driver to princess

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-09-13 刊登者: Kidniture

Kidniture - Dream Bed for Kids

Give your kids the best dreams. In those dreams your kids can be anything they want from race driver to princess. The bed is not just something your kids safely rest on, it is also a cradle for dreams and imagination. A dream bed makes your kids feel happy to sleep on. Kidniture specializes in funky and imaginative kid's beds. Beds are mainly exported to U.S.A & Europe. Top quality density fiber wood kid beds have passed SGS Tests for SVHC and Formaldehyde. Since 2010, Kidniture has been the authorized dealer of Disney furnitures in Hong Kong. Kidniture's mission is to let more kids sleep on an affordable dream bed, all furnitures are merely displayed in website. Order can be simply made by phone or email.
Just simply give us a phone call or send us an email, our customer service officer will handle your enquiry promptly! Order Now !!!

Tel :  (852) 8107 8128
Fax:  (852) 2187 3163

Enquiry: [email protected]
Website : http://www.kidniture.com/

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