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Samcole (HongKong) Limited, has strived worldwide export trading manufacturing of quality lamps

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-03-30 刊登者: 信宇行有限公司

Samcole (Hong Kong) Limited

Samcole  (HongKong) Limited, established in 1984, has strived to focus its experience not only on worldwide export trading, but manufacturing of quality lamps. Today it has developed its own team of engineering, technical production, quality controls and management to provide customers a complete series of services and supplies. These manufacturing plants are located in Taiwan and China PRC., employing over 1,000 workers. The recognition of ISO9002 certified at the factories is the proof of its achievement.

Samcole products cover a wide range of applications. Customers in the nature as importers, wholesellers, chainstores as well as industrial producers will be experiencely served, in particular to meet respective packing requirements such as private brands, designs and special packaging.


Ball lamps
ST shape
S shape
LED lamps
Miniature lamps
Sub-miniature lamps
HID Lamps
Doll House Lighting
Eco-Halogen lamps

Address: 3/F, Ocean View Court, 23 Chatham Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Tel: +852 2739 7373
Fax: +852 2739 7600, 2739 7011
e-mail: [email protected]
homepage: http://www.samcole.com

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性