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i Layer Creation Limited - 平面/網頁設計

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-10-15 刊登者: i Layer Creation Limited

i Layer Creation Limited


隨著互聯網的普及,網上推廣已成為不可或缺的宣傅媒介。有見及此,i Layer Creation Ltd ( i Layer ) 致力於網上推廣,從而助您準確地命中目標客戶;

除推廣宣傳外,要有效吸引目標客戶,高質素的包裝及設計同樣重要,所以 i Layer 亦致力提供高質素的平面設計、網頁設計、多媒體設計、程式設計、及策劃推廣等多元化服務,助您輕易獲取宣傳效益,同時亦可減低成本及容易控制質量。



i Layer 一向重視客戶需要,我們會竭盡所能為您提供合適的服務,利用有限資源,創造無限商機。

為何選擇 i Layer


網上推廣有別於傳統的宣傳媒介,i Layer 可以助您尋找潛在客戶及目標客戶,達致低成本,高效益,命中率高的宣傳效果。把資源投放在最合適的位置上,從而提高投資回報率( ROI )。


i Layer 致力提供一站式服務,從創作、設計、以至策劃推廣,皆可提供周詳計劃。


i Layer 設有專業和高透明度的機制。在營銷過程中,讓客戶能清楚了解資源投放所在。


除一般的網站優化外,i Layer 亦可提供不同的網上推廣形式,包括文字廣告、動態廣告、網上橫額、Facebook 專頁、手機應用程式等多個途徑,助您更有效地提高宣傳效益。

About i Layer

As the popularity of the Internet keeps rising, online marketing has become indispensable media propaganda. In view of this, i Layer Creation Ltd ( i Layer ) is committed to online marketing, enabling you to accurately hit the target customers:

In addition to promoting publicity, to be effective in attracting customers, high quality packaging and design is also important. So i Layer is also committed to providing high quality graphic design, web design, multi-media design as well as interactive programming services. Our one-stop service not only helps you avoid the headache of finding several companies of, but also help lower cost and control quality more easily.

Our team is very experienced and proficient in both marketing and design. Our professional advices and services would definitely help you or your company to deliver your message to your clients accurately, and hence raise your reputation and achieve remarkable success.

i Layer Mission

We value our customer’s needs. We endeavor to provide suitable services to our customers to initiate limitless opportunities with limited resources. 

Why i Layer

1.Low cost, high efficiency

Online marketing is more suitable for nowadays business promotion as it targets at your potential customers specifically. The propaganda effect would definitely be enhanced with appropriate allocation of resources to improve your return on investment ( ROI ).

2.Perfect service

We are committed to provide one-stop service, from creation, design, planning up to campaigns. 

3.High transparency

Our company has a professional and transparent mechanism, customers could clearly understand the marketing progress.

4.Multi-media Campaigns

In addition to the general website optimizing, we can also provide different forms of online campaigns, including text ads, dynamic ads, banner ads, Facebook pages, mobile applications to help you more effectively improve the promotion effects.

歡迎瀏覽本公司網頁: www.ilayer.com.hk

查詢電話:3606 3305/ 6335 1334 (Dio Tam)

或電郵至 : [email protected]

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