1. 88DB
  2. 設計
  3. 設計優惠

10 webpages design & production + domain name registration HK$4,500

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-07-17 刊登者: 帕迪斯設計公司

--- Special Package Offer ---

(Plan B) WebPage Design Package :
10 webpages design & production + domain name registration
--- HK$4,500 ---
WebPage Design & Production with Domain Name Package:
Domain Name Application
HKNIC Domain Name Registration
A unique domain name as http://www.yourcompanyname.com
Free setup, Annual Maintenance and Application Charge
WebHosting plus Webpage Design & Production
Graphic & Text production with Layout Design
10 pages (A4 size)Webpage Design & Production
Icon Animation, Mouse-Over and Photo Retouch
Frame Design and Coding Production
Images and icon production provide
All code is design with standard W3C HTML 3.2 or above

--- Total Amount: $4,500 --- << inquiry for more information now ! >>
--- Other Package ---

(Plan A) Standard Package :
8 standard webpages + domain name registration + webhosting
--- HK$3,000 ---
<< inquiry for more information now ! >>
--- Professional Plan ---

(Plan C) Project Based WebSite Design and Production Package :
Website design & production with 10 pages or more, or with Special Effects
+ domain name registration + 1 year webhosting

--- PRICE CALL ---
Websites more than 10 pages or with Special Effects :
Domain Name Registration
A unique domain name as http://www.yourcompanyname.com
Free setup, Annual Maintenance and Application Charge
1 Year WebHosting + Webpage Design & Production
Graphic & Text production with Layout Design
10 pages or more Webpage Design & Production
All code is design with standard W3C HTML 3.2 or above

Special Effects and Database :
OnMouseOver, DHTML, FLASH Shockwave Animation, or
/w special database characteristics ( CGI, ASP etc. )

--- Total Amount: PRICE CALL --- << inquiry for more information now ! >>

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性