1. 88DB
  2. 設計
  3. 設計優惠

$250 LOGO設計- 24小時內起貨, 無限次修改.[卡片設計服務}-450元起包印刷100張. [網頁設計服務]-由3000元起. [傳單設計] [賀卡設計][賀卡設計][婚禮設計][廣告設計]

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2017-08-20 刊登者: kimsoso


資深香港設計師創作, 保證令您滿意 !

Design by senior professional designer! Provide you the best design service in town!

[商標設計服務]- $250元, 24小時內起貨, 無限次修改

Logo Design Service - $250HKD, deliver within 24 hours, unlimited edits



Business card design service - $450HKD, including 100pcs business card with unlimited edits

Informative website design service - Starts from 3000 HKD

[購物網站設計服務]由4000元起, 一星期起可即時上線
E-commerece website design service - Starts from 4000 HKD, can go live within 7 days

[傳單設計] - 由500元起
Leaflet Design - starts from $500

[賀卡設計]- 由400元起
Greeting card/ birthday card design - Starts from $400, including printing

[婚禮LOGO 設計] - 由500元起
Wedding logo Design - starts from $500

[廣告設計]- 由400元起
Banner Design - starts from $400

For more details, please visit kimcheese.store

Whatsapp:+852- 9863 8023

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性