interior design space design office design office renovation home design decorative works furniture design services 富邦設計工程 獨特的香港城市設計師,體現高期望的室內設計或其它裝修項目,繼有室內設計服務,空間設計,商業設計,寫字樓設計,辦公室設計,家居設計,傢俬承造,團會裝修,或翻新工程等
Ray & Partners Design is dedicated to providing a customer-orientated and tailor-made service. The full service over 15 years of experience as we provide interior design and decoration service to all kinds of premises from offices, residential apartments to retail shops and others. We can also help customers to find suitable premises, and provide quotations, measurements, floor plans and other reliable information to our customers.
Ray & Partners Design is staffed by a team of dedicated interior designers and decorators who have a wealth of experience in all kinds of decoration works. Apart from providing maintenance to projects which we have handled, we can also offer flexible payment terms to meet our customers' needs.
Ray & Partners Design places importance to our working relationship with our customers. Our guiding principles are commitment, sincerity and reliability. We also place great importance in the accuracy of design and craftsmanship, ensuring our decoration works reach the highest standard.
富邦設計工程 本公司以室內設計/策劃及承包工程等一站式服務開設, 我們以豐富經驗及不斷進取的專業精神,提供工程服務於寫字樓顧客, 住宅,店鋪及商業性質顧客...等等大小行業.
富邦工程與本司職員及承建組合本著優質服務承諾之道, 以超過十五年的創辦經驗各項皆盡心竭力為每一客戶精心策劃, 提供富創意之佈局編排,計劃; 高效率管理,組織及高質素的承造工程等.每一工序,上下處理認真,嚴謹執行. Contractor: RAY & PARTNERS DESIGN 富邦(設計)工程 H.K. Office: Unit 603, 6/F., Prosperity Place, 6 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 香港, 九龍, 觀塘, 成業街6號, 泓富廣場, 603室. Workshop: 深圳, 西麗鎮, 福光村, 亨美工業區3號, 地下. Contact Ph. No.: 日/夜報價電聯: (852) 8226 8668 Company Ph. No.: (公司) 寫字樓電聯: (852) 2342 1928 Fax 傳真:(852) 3573 4966 Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] web: |