Interior design is something closely linked to CreatiVity, Aesthetics, Management and Pragmatism. Human being has desired a Warm, Cozy, Sweet, Stylish and priVate area for millennia. Adres is an innoVatiVe interior design studio based in Hong Kong, which belieVes in creating delicacy but intimacy, chic and modern liying enVironment with minimal lines, adVanced materials, designer's unique spatial sensibility and sense of beauty. Our professional design teams pay attention to eVery customer's needs and preference, also the optimal balance between man and space, functionality and elegance, in the ways that to bring a place of ease and comfort.香港灣仔軒尼詩道300號中邦商業大廈20樓B室T:28651228F:28651008E:[email protected]W: