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Main Compuad Strict demand makes thing better 大特惠

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-06-03 刊登者: Main Compuad Co Ltd

Strict demand makes thing better

Main Compuad Co., Ltd. was found in June 1993, which already has 14 years creation and printing experience. Following the fast-moving century, Main Compuad has been competing with the same profession impartially. At the very beginning, we chiefly focused on developing the high quality of printing and the accurate setting of color management. As we truly understand that a perfect design can never present without a fantastic printing. Usually, people may think that printing is not that important in design process. However, Main Compuad has put much effort on investigating the most effective way to achieve the best result of printing as we truly think that attractive design plus good presentation is the best visual solution.


Strong Capability of image creation

An effective advertising should have both aesthetic appearance and kicky catch copy because we need to draw people attention. Photography is always the principal soul in every single advertisement. Through the conversation with our clients, we can foresee what they like to have, it is just like they know what the target audience want either. We have been fully taking part in photo taking for 14 years. No matter it is portrait, perfume, food, drinks, or even architecture, we absolutely can provide you the best quality of image creation.

Marketing Strategy + Typography + Visual Impact = Build Brand & Make Sales

There are thousand and thousand design firms all over the world. However, how much do they can help you to solve both of typography and visual problem? Do you want to have higher quality image making and langrage support? Main Compuad should be your first choice. We are experienced in tri-lingual support, which is Chinese, English and Japanese. In the passed 14 years, we have been co-operating with many sizable Japanese and local commerce. Valuable co-operating experience has been giving us much more capability to analyze marketing needs in different countries. We believe that Main Compuad can help you to be the most outstanding corporate in the market.

Now will be the future

In coming years, we expect to have more opportunities to compete with the same profession, as we trust that impartial competition can gain much better development from learning each other’s strength. We are dynamic and innovative design firm, and that is why we have been running for 14 years and never stopped to achieve the need for clients.

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