產品呎吋/Size of Product: 19 x 14.5cm
總塊數/Total Pieces: 56
價錢/Price: HK$60(此價錢包括設計、加字、製作和送貨/This price is including graph design, greeting message, manufacture and delivery.)
- 如需郵寄交付,請將以下資料電郵至 [email protected]。
1.設計編號(從 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jphcards的“設計圖樣”內挑選)
2.賀詞(可自己撰寫或從 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jphcards的“賀詞範文”中挑選)
3.相片(jepg格式. 像素500kb或以上)
- 我們將會在一天之內將設計稿回郵給閣下修改及定稿。
- 我們會在定稿及收到貨款(賬號: HSBC 178-5-013077 )的一個工作天後將貨物寄出。
- If need delivery from mail, Email the following details to [email protected]
1.Style No. (Your preferred design in “Sample of design”of http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jphcards)
2.Greeting message (Write by yourself or Choose it from the “Example of greetings” of http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jphcards)
3.Photo (In jepg. format with resolution 500kb or above)
4.Design requirement
5.Delivery address
6.Your contact telephone No.
- The preliminary/finished design will be emailed back to you for revise or finalize within one day.
- The finished product will be mailed to you by post at one day after finalized the design and payment(a/c No. HSBC178-5-013077)
Storage the photo in memory card,To product ad-hoc puzzle, just HK$50 only, you are welcome to visit our retail stores in person (the address as follows). The puzzle can befinished in 10 minutes.
地址:香港九龍深水埗元洲街 37號西九龍中心蘋果商場五樓5K285號
Address: Unit 5K285, Apple Mall, Dragon Centre, 37 Yen Chow St., Shamshuipo, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
(email) [email protected]
Tel: (852)60762083