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  2. 設計
  3. 室內設計

Still Consultants Limited

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-01-27 刊登者: still consultants

Still Consultants Limited were established in 2006. We are a Hong Kong’s original interior design firm. With unswerving belief in esthetics and experience, we provide our customers high quality interior design.

Still 設計顧問公司成立於2006年,早前已成為香港具規模的室內設計公司之一,憑著對美學的要求及確保項目達到最高質素。 為求專案能力臻完美.

OUR DESIGN Our design describes a group of various yet related projects that involve turning an interior space in to an “effective setting for the range of human activities” that are to take place there. We are the one who conduct such projects. Still consultants Limited is a multifaceted profession that includes conceptual development, liaising with the stakeholders of a project and the management and execution of the design.

我們向來堅守以人性化設計作為主要設計完素之一,公司專責專案的設計,並以一絲不苟的態度配合專案的施工,盡力配合 客戶的施工隊伍以達至最理想的設計效果。

“Minimalism” is our language for design. By using white elements, lighting, large space with minimal objects and furniture. Our design simplifies living space to reveal the essential quality of building and conveys simplicity in attitudes toward life.


OUR PHILOSOPHY To create a functional, unique, and comfortable environment, carful consideration to the client need must be the starting. We believe success of interior design project is a collaborative effort between client and designer. We like to creating space that client can call “their”

在概念與構思方面Still 以美學.人性化.簡約,及藉著豐富的室內設計經驗,在經濟和美學的原則中取得適當平衡,認真處 理室內每個空間,且不為傳統觀念所局限,並透過敏感的觸覺,掌握時尚的脈搏,做出創新合時又配合客戶要求的設計風格。

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