Specially for under floor warming systems more than 10 years in HK
Completed more than 480 jobs (>2800 installations of floor warming systems) in HK
我們在香港已經有十多年安裝地暖系統的經驗!完成超過480個項目合共已安裝了超過2800套地暖系統。我們對於處理不同的地台材料(如雲石地台、地磚材料、地台瓦、木板材料包括實木地板、無縫木地板、 engineering wooden floor、地氈、自流平水泥地及普通水泥層等等)配合地暖系統有非常豐富的經驗;如何避免地暖系統被損壞已掌握一套非常完善的監察程序。
Our products and systems are specially for residential projects, hotels, apartments , etc. including
electric under floor warming system (under floor heating system, radiant floor heater, heated floor, heating mats, etc.)
hydronic under floor warming system
electric mirror demisters (mirror heaters, anti-fog mirror heater, defroster, etc.)
electric towel rails (towel warmers, towel racks, towel heaters, etc.)
low-Temperature clothes cabinet heaters (clothes dryers)
ceiling mounted electric radiant heating panels, wall-mounted radiators.
電熱式地暖系統 (又地台發熱系統、地板採暖設備、電熱氈、地底採暖)
自動恆溫浴室鏡防霧發熱貼 (又稱為除霧裝置、防霞鏡貼、鏡底發熱線)
不鏽鋼電暖毛巾架 (又稱電熱架、暖架)
Contact person: Larry (35233296/ 93091403)
地暖系統 http://sb-hk.com.hk/
floor warming system|floor heating 邮箱:[email protected]
Address:Unit 29, G/F., Koway Court, Eastern Plaza, 111 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan
柴灣柴灣道111號高威閣商場地下 29 舖
Tel: 35233296
Fax: 3005 4382
Website: www.sb-hk.com.hk ; www.sb-hk.com
Emails: [email protected] ; [email protected]
Contact persons:
Technical Dept: Larry (93091403)
Sales Dept: Wing (35233296)