Tired of the dull design and unrealistically high cost of larger design firms? Feeling loaded down by the sudden, excessive number of promotion projects going on at the same time? Design anarchy could just be your ideal solution. Seek us out for professional design services including Graphic Design, Website Design, Exhibition and Event Design, as well as Commercial/Residential Design projects; same-day task completion is even possible on special conditions with small-scale projects such as single-page graphic layouts. All at highly competitive pricing that won't break your bank, and without the nerve-wracking wait of long project lead-time!
如果厭倦了大型設計公司的公式設計和高昂收費及被大量突如其來的宣傳計劃弄得透不過氣,我們會是你理想的新選擇!我們提供平面設計,網頁設計,展覽設計及 室內設計等的專業服務,小規模項目如單頁平面設計更可視乎情況於即日內完成,而且收費合理,助你彌補普遍大型設計公司交貨期長及收費高等的不足。
公司地址 銅鑼灣希雲街29A地下
電話號碼 28188565
傳真號碼 29765612
電郵地址 [email protected]
公司網址 http://www.designanarchy.hk