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We make your dream come true

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-06-06 刊登者: dream republic creative ltd

Dream Republic Creative Ltd is a Hong Kong based graphic design agency that specialized in branding, fashion graphic and packaging projects. Established at 2007 by Kenneth Wong. We are artistic collaboration and creative for all innovation project. Our aim, “we make your dreams come true”, work that takes you surprise and truly creative that will be remembered.


We’re straight forward and open mind , each project is a new genre that could be the next visual revolution. Our wild range of talent attracts clients that enjoy creative relationship as equal partners. Work with different kind of business model to establish the right voice for their brilliant ventures. Define their identities and build up their brands in the market.


Just ring the bell and see how we help to achieve your dreams !

tel: 3590-8368
fax: 3590-3661 
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