1. 88DB
  2. 設計
  3. 平面設計

We don’t believe in style, we believe in Idea!

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-09-28 刊登者: 東朝創意設計有限公司

Kingdom of Freaks

We don’t believe in style, we believe in Idea!
coz Idea changes how we perceive the world!
DBIS is a Kingdom of Freaks! Our mission is to develop, exchange & accumulate Creative Idea & Knowledge. Free Everybody from Freaky Idea!!!

DBIS is a leading Multimedia Creative Agency in Hong Kong since 2005.
In 2011, we extend our service to China. Our strength is Cross-discilpined Creative Strategy. We bridge Art, Commercial & Entertainment.

What is Multimedia Creative?

Multimedia is not just about the technology.
Multimedia is about Creativity, Imagination and Dedication.

We bridge the gaps between:
Emotion and Technology,
New Media and Performance,
Theatre and Public Spaces,
People and Machines,
Art and Commercial.

Who we are

John Wong
CEO/ Executive Creative Director

Angus Chu
Director of Operation

Candy Wu
Director of Marketing

Evan Yeung
Regional Director (Shanghai Branch)

    3D Mapping
    Event & Entertainment
    Digital Campaign
    Exhibition & Theme Park
    Freak Show!!!


don’t believe in style

since 2005

email: [email protected]

tel: +852 23898318

fax: +852 23890772

address: Portion B, G/F, Tung Chong Factory Building, No. 653-659 King’s Road, HK


聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性