3dmedia.com.hk 產品:
紙盒設計及印刷 : Boxes Design and Printing包裝盒 彩盒 瓦楞紙盒 玩具盒 化裝品盒 手工禮盒,禮盒 酒盒
紙袋設計及印刷: Paper Bag Design and Printing手挽袋 包裝袋 環保袋 Paper Bag
文件夾設計及印刷: Box File Folder Design and Printing快勞 文件冊 檔案夾 檔案盒 檔案冊 膠file 膠folder 塑料file 環保file
紙板文件夾二環文件夾 三環文件夾 四環文件夾 D形環文件夾 O形環文件夾
訂造文件夾File folder, Box file, Ring Binder File, Ring Binder Folder, D ring binder folder PP file, PP folder PVC file , PVC folder, Show Book,
3D Media
Block D, 10/F., Wing Yip Industrial Building,
21-27 Wing Yip Street, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 934 77077
Fax: (852) 2487 0462
Email: [email protected]
Website :http://www.3dmedia.com.hk/