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球衣燙字 訂造運動衫 球衣設計 足球球衣訂造 tracksuit suppliers 波衫訂造

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-02-11 刊登者: iGift Co Ltd


我們是一間靈活,富創造力的禮品﹑制服﹑配飾供應商 (制衣廠, 制服店, 製造商, 製服公司, 制衣廠 ).因應市場及客戶要求,提供(專營)來辦訂製, (訂做, 訂購, 代工生產, 加工, 度身訂造來版訂購, 量身訂作, 度身定造, 印衫, 訂制服, 採購, 車辦, 造衫, 訂衫製作) 服務,產品多元化及具彈性,可獨立選購各種制服以至多款配飾.更可自行搭配為不同組合,用於不同活動項目, 公司, 機構, 政府部門, 學校社團, 商業機構, 中學, 大學, 小學, 教堂, 學會, 足球隊, 籃球隊, 體育會, 冬季, 夏季學生, 宣傳, 廣告, 迎新營, 籌款.

 iGift擁有近二十年布製品生產及專業加工,於中國設有自資廠房,配合優質管理及品質監控系統,使產品質素得到全面監控,符合客戶要求.除了本司產品外,我們亦可按照客戶要求代為採購指定產品,我們已與不同廠商建立合資企業,亦與不同產品的供應商有多年合作經驗,從而建立一個龐大的供應網絡,起貨時間極快, 特快, 嚴格品質監控, 準確貨期, 提供真正的一條龍專業服務.

hide in background coloriGift專營 T恤 Polo恤, 制服, 風衣, 機恤, 社團制服, 運動服裝, 廣告服, 職業制服, 廣告衫, 運動衫, 迷彩服, 短袖恤,學生服, 班衫, 宣傳衫, 針織衫, 衣服, 制服系列, 團隊制服, 球衣, 行政制服, 圓領t恤, 工人服, 長袖衫, 長袖外套, 團體服飾, 牛角tee, 反領polo,棒球風褸, 波衫, 排汗t恤, 選舉背心, 運動褲, soc tee, 防風風褸, 營衣, 有帽風褸 , 畫毛衛衣, soc褸, v領 tee, 成衣, 短袖t恤, 校褲, 功夫制服,欖球衫, 有帽開胸衛衣,  Jacket 衛衣 Sweater 短褲 長褲 Zip up 背心 Vest 團體服裝 工衣 運動褲 球衣。 Logo設計,絲印,刺繡,燙金,車花,燙畫, 熨印, 印字, 絲網印刷, 鐳射燙畫, 燙銀, 熨畫, 電腦繡花圖案, 柯式印刷均可。大學 O camp T恤,畢業紀念T恤,公司制服,交流團制服,球隊球衣,慈善團體制服,校服,配飾,Accessory,Cap帽,護腕,頭巾,毛巾,Bag,斜揹袋一應俱全我們的t恤, polo,風褸及運動服採用全棉,純棉, 珠地, 吸濕排汗, 跟據布料特性, 可具防水, 防風透氣, 擋風, 保暖, 防皺, 耐用, 舒適, 柔軟, 快乾, 排汗快乾, 防縮水特性, 達到耐洗, 時尚, 功能性, 高質, 耐用, 繼而以低製作成本, 達致特平, 便宜, 超平的針織產品 

iGift: innovative Generation in fashion trend: iGift is a apparel, garment and knitwear provider which dedicates to provide tailor made, customize, manufacture, (produce, design, self-made, wholesale, order, catering, custom made) design uniforms, workwear, sportwear for various organizations (from church, community services group, organization, football team, basketball team, sport team, college, primary & secondary school, to university as well as company uniforms, it can all be sourced from iGift) which organize different events, activity, funding and promotion campaign. As an event-based apparel provider (supplier, manufacturer, wholesaler), we customize your orders with your own printing logo and designs. From various silk screen prints, embroidery logos to heat and digital heat transfer printing, you can all get in from iGift.  

iGift’s products ranges from T-shirt (tee, soc tee, o’camp tee, polo tee, rugby shirt), polo shirt (long sleeve and short sleeve), uniform (staff uniform, industrial uniform, kendo uniform, kung fu uniform, embroidered uniform, school uniform, work uniform, work clothes, organization uniform), vest to jacket, windbreaker, zip-up, tracksuit, baseball sweater, trousers, pants, sports uniforms (sportswear) and blouse, you can list whatever you can think of, from different fabric materials (100% cotton, comfortable, durable, smooth, pure cotton, CVC, TC, water proof, wind resistant, dry fit, 100% nylon, 100% polyester) to different printing technologies applied on garment and apparel styles. We will source the merchandise for you, and you can have very great promotional uniforms for your events (ocamp, o’camp, study tour, promotion)and for memorial (e.g. graduation).  

iGift’s strives to provide cheap (low cost, economic) yet with high quality (less shrinkage, shrinkage resistant, washing resistant print, reliable, functional, comfortable, durable fabric) apparel uniforms. At the same time, we will also provide reliable, excellent services, competitive lead time (fast delivery, accurate delivery) to meet your demand. Our target is to be a leading (top, No.1, number 1) apparel uniform provider in HK (Hong Kong) and serves the local communities, (apart from DOS T-shirt, Buddy T-shirt, cheung hing trading, dos uniform, dos jacket amax) (hide in website color) 

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