1. 88DB
  2. 設計
  3. 時裝設計


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-01-17 刊登者: Catwalk Productions Ltd

CATWALK PRODUCTIONS LTD has been in operation since 1977, is recognized not only as one of Hong Kong's leading production houses but also one-stop, "high-glam" producer of fashion extravaganza, entertainment programs, promotion campaigns and exhibitions for the business sector. Catwalk Productions Ltd covers an extensive network which includes China, Macau, Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam. Our services include: creative concept, set design and construction, display design & techniques, AV equipment rental & technical support, apparel sourcing and provision, casting and arrangement of actors and models.  Let Catwalk turn your marketing vision into reality.

肥貓時裝推廣有限公司成立於1977年,是香港有規模的一站式製作機構。業務包括策劃高質素的舞台、服裝、宣傳、展覽等活動。網絡覆蓋中國、澳門、台灣、韓國、馬來西亞、泰國、新加坡及越南等地。我們的服務包括: 創作概念及策劃、佈景設計及製作、展覽構思及技巧、燈光音響設備及技術支援、服飾配搭及演出造型、安排模特兒及演員。把你的市場新構思、 新意念交託給我們為你實現。

16th floor Henan Electric Development Building,No 389 King's Road,North Point Hong Kong

電話:(852) 2598 0663

傳真:(852) 2598 9719

電郵: [email protected]

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性