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此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-09-26 刊登者: 雅麗服裝公司

本公司是一間專門生產制服uniform, T-Shirt, Polo shirt, 恤衫, 衛衣, 背心, 風褸, 針織衫, 斜褲, 西褲, 工人褲, cap帽, 冷衫, 頸巾, 毛巾等.....制服uniform公司, 客戶也可按個別需要, 來款訂造, 自設廠房於東莞虎門(雅麗製衣廠), 直接生產, 不經轉介, 配以香港優質管理及品質監控, 信心保証, 故能確保客戶於訂購制服uniform時, 能為客戶提供最佳的成本效益及準確貨期, 數量不拘。

加工服務包括︰印花, 車花, 燙畫, 數碼打印, 3M反光帶, 剪毛, 植毛, 熨銀 及 凸膠.....效果。

我們誠意為客戶提供親切友善的服務,歡迎給予本公司的意見,以便我們 能更加進步,給予您們更佳的服務。

Yali Fashion Company is a manufacturer in uniform, T-shirt (Tee), Polo shirt, apparel, sweater, vest, jacket, pants, all kind of work wears, caps, etc which meets the need of any functions, events, campaigns and many different occasions. We are committed to enhance your corporate image with our creative and innovative uniform design. We have our own factory in Mainland China, so no middle man. Therefore enable us to provide extremely competitive price and professional quality product management.

As for after sales service, our relationship with client never ends after the sale; we care about clients’ feedback and strive to meet every requirement from our clients.

If you have any enquires or interested in any items, please don’t hesitate to contact us on +852 2332 0803, or come to see us and find yourself the quality service we will provide to you.

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